ABOUT karen wolfe
I have always had an appreciation and love for art. I have been drawing since I could hold a pencil, but didn't really develop an interest in painting until I was in my thirties. I am a self-taught artist. I have painted a wide variety of subjects; however, my passion is to paint portraits. I have been commissioned to paint numerous paintings and murals over the years and I am currently hosting painting parties, teaching art and having the time of my life!
I draw much of my inspiration from God, my family and living in the country. I was born in Trenton, New Jersey, but I have lived in West Virginia since the age of five. My husband and I currently live in Given, which is a rural area in Jackson County. We enjoy spending time with our children and grandchildren.
I am very passionate about my art and cherish every minute that I am given to paint. There is no better feeling than taking a blank canvas and bringing it to life with a brush and some paint. What makes painting so rewarding to me is that moment when I see the look on someone's face when they see for the first time the portrait that I have painted of their child, grandchild or brought their pet to life on canvas. I paint from my heart and soul with a passion for painting that words cannot describe and I thank God for this wonderful gift. I truly love to paint!